Think that B2B sales training is only for entrepreneurs who have low customer conversion rates or not enough “selling skills”? Think again!
The hard truth is that any CEO who cares the least bit about their business needs sales training. Without training, a business is unlikely to survive at all!
Don’t believe it?
We’re sharing exactly why every entrepreneur absolutely needs B2B sales training. Additionally, we’re also sharing how top-tier training programs help CEOs more than any other resource out there.
Unless you take advantage of sales training, you’ll likely:
- Spend countless hours working only for sub-par sales performance;
- Sacrifice your big business vision for some smaller version of it; and
- Never make as big of an impact as you want to make.
Sales training is more than just learning some sales skills (that you can learn for free in a book) and calling it a day. Instead, it’s about unlocking the door to long-term business success AND personal fulfillment.
The Core Reason Why Every CEO Needs Online Sales Training
So, what is it about sales training that unlocks the door to success?
To put it simply, businesses are created based on a vision that a CEO has. Then, they sell specific products or services in order to turn that vision into reality.
For example, Steve Jobs envisioned a world empowered through technology, and SELLING products like the iPhone was the vehicle for turning that vision into reality.
In fact, Jobs wasn’t an engineer or product designer at all. Rather, he was leading his team by heading the sales and marketing fronts!
Many years after his death, Jobs is still regarded as one of the most successful business leaders of all time, because he led his company by selling, selling, selling! As a result, his vision came to life, and he changed the world more than almost any other CEO who has ever lived.
That being said, the pathway to business success is leading your company through sales! Without a strong sales performance, you can’t manifest your vision. Unless you manifest your vision, you won’t:
- Make as positive of an impact on the world as you can;
- Find the fulfillment that comes from being a change-maker; or
- Achieve true business success.
Moreover, being an amazing business leader comes down to closing the big deals. While team members are taking care of other things, your primary focus should be selling!
Business success is about turning visions into reality, and turning visions into reality is a matter of sales!
But Why Sales Training?
Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “But aren’t there other ways to learn about sales success that isn't training? Aren’t there plenty of sales books and basic online courses that’ll teach me how to sell?”
In short, if you’re serious about your vision (you want to manifest it in less time and as successfully as possible), then training is the way to go.
Sure, go ahead and read all the books and listen to all the podcasts, but don’t expect them to bring you closer to your vision because:
- You don’t need more skills, you need empowerment
- You don’t need more scripts, you need processes
- You don’t need more tactics, you need a strategy
If skills, scripts, and tactics were the key to sales success, then there would be many more successful CEOs out there! Why? Because, the majority of CEOs rely on basic sales resources, yet they continue to spin their wheels without going anywhere.
Moreover, you need the kinds of sales techniques that are only taught in the best sales courses.
Furthermore, every CEO needs training to maximize their selling potential. Thanks to training, they’ll bring their vision to life to help more people in less time and feel fulfilled during the process.
How Sales Training Courses Take CEOs Towards Business Success
Being an effective business leader comes down to manifesting your vision, and the way that you manifest your vision is through selling.
A top-tier, live B2B sales training program taught by an industry insider with a track record of proven results is the absolute plug to making more sales in less time AND sustaining it for the long haul.
That said, here’s exactly how training does just that:
1. Understanding What You Want
What do you want? No, really, what do you want? What are you doing running your business? What’s your end destination? What do you want to feel when you hit that end destination?
Believe it or not, most CEOs and sales professionals pound the pavement every day not knowing what they’re really doing it for. Specifically, they don’t have a clear vision.
Sure, they might be waking up every day intending to hit a quota and then dreaming about their vision at night, but they sometimes ask themselves throughout the day what they’re really doing everything for.
That said, top sales training programs help CEOs and salespeople clarify their vision. Unless you start with a clear vision, then the rest of your sales playbook goes totally to waste.
Do You Know Where You’re Heading?
Trying to formulate the perfect sales methodologies without first having a clear vision is like getting in your car and driving at full speed without having a destination plugged into your GPS. Sure, you might get far away from home, but what’s the point of driving away if it serves no purpose? In the end, you’ll only waste gas and have to start from point A again!
Unlike basic pre-recorded webinar training, top-tier training taught live by experts encourages you to clarify your vision before doing anything else.
Think about clarifying your vision like removing the fog in-between where you are now and where you want to be. Ultimately, you’ll see your end destination and know exactly which direction to start heading in.
Craft Your Sales Strategy
Once you’ve cleared the fog away and can see your final destination in the distance, you need to pave the road towards that destination. And your sales strategy is the pathway itself!
Think of a strategy like a blueprint for a house: With a blueprint, you know exactly what it’ll take to bring the house to life. More specifically, you’ll know the:
- Tasks that need to be done
- Resources you need
- Experts to help work out the quirks
Then once you have a strategy, you can start setting small goals that’ll accumulate to fulfill the strategy.
Thanks to your clear vision and strategy, you can finally start pounding the pavement without blindly moving through the fog.
2. Understanding What Customers Need
What if I told you that your business sales leads have little to no idea what their problems are? On top of that, would you believe me if I said that leads don’t even know that they have problems in the first place?
While it’s a difficult pill to swallow, the truth is that more than 90% of your sales leads have zero idea what their problems are or how to solve them. Moreover, they don’t know what they need to reach the next level in business.
This is where expert business owners and their sales reps come into the picture!
When it comes down to it, your job as a sales professional is to tell prospects what their problems are! Just like how a doctor diagnoses an illness and then offers solutions, your job is to diagnose your prospect's pain point and offer a valid solution (AKA your deliverable).
Unfortunately, most sales resources get things totally backward. Instead of teaching you that prospects don’t know what they need, they teach you that prospects have all the answers! Then they give you all the wrong sales tips based on that terrible assumption.
Thankfully, top-tier training programs teach based on the fact that prospects don’t know what their needs are. Then, they offer legitimate sales techniques to sell based on that valid assumption.
Walking into sales pitches or making cold calls thinking that prospects know what their problems are is a lost cause.
Prospects Don’t Know What They Need
If prospects knew what their problems were and how to solve them, then they would fix them. Additionally, if they knew what they needed to be successful, then you would serve literally zero purpose in their life!
Consider this: Nobody knew that they needed an iPhone until Steve Jobs told them so. Do you think that Jobs went out and asked potential customers what they needed, then they told him that they needed an iPhone, so then he engineered it? OR, did he understand his potential customers' pain points and then offer a deliverable to fulfill those points?
The sales cycle is all about understanding the kinks in your potential customer’s life. Once you understand the kinks on a deeper level, you offer needed solutions to get rid of them.
Be the Irreplaceable Expert
You might be saying to yourself, “But how can I possibly sell somebody something when they don’t think that they need it?”
It’s simple! You need to show prospects that you are an expert who they need to manifest their own vision.
Think of it like this: Let’s say that you go in for a check-up with your doctor. During the appointment, the doctor notices that there’s something wrong with your back. In order to properly diagnose the issue, they send you to a surgeon. During the appointment with the surgeon, they tell you that there’s a major issue with your spine that will require surgery if you want any hope of a healthy life down the road. Without hesitation, you schedule surgery for the next week.
Now, how did the surgeon convince you that they are capable of curing you? Despite the risks of the surgery, what was it that made you not question them?
The truth is that the surgeon portrayed themself as an expert who you needed to ensure your health down the road. As a result, you don’t question them for a second.
Just like how surgeons depict themselves as experts who patients absolutely need, you need to do the same with prospects! Luckily, sales training will show you exactly how to embrace that expert side of yourself.
3. Crafting Your Sales Approach
At the end of the day, people are more likely to remember how you make them feel and less likely to remember what you say. This truth couldn’t be more true in business-to-business sales.
You can literally say all the right things but still make prospects run for the door if you make them feel a certain negative way!
That said, your sales approach is all about making prospects feel:
- Confident in your ability to help them;
- Enthusiastic about getting closer to their vision; and
- A sense of urgency to get started ASAP!
Again, while what you say is important, saying all the right things can go to complete waste if you make prospects feel bad.
Confidence & Fear Cannot Coexist
You can learn all the new sales skills in the book, but no skill comes even close in power in sales than confidence.
Because confidence solidifies your status as an expert.
With confidence, everything from sales prospecting to signing the final deal flows easily because prospects don’t question that you’re the person with the solutions for them.
Here’s the catch, though: Most salespeople are afraid of selling. In fact, a reported 48% of sales reps are afraid to make a cold call! Not only is this sad in itself, but the truth is that fear and confidence cannot coexist!
If you were going in for surgery with a supposed ‘expert’ surgeon but they radiated an overwhelming energy of fear, don’t you think that you’d be heading for the door? Of course you would!
Thankfully, top-tier training programs show you exactly how you can stop letting fear overcome you and start using it to your advantage!
Again, you can learn all the new skills you want, but having low confidence will completely undermine the impact of those skills.
Target Their Vision
Are you selling a product or service that’ll help solve a prospect’s pain point? Or, are you selling a strategy that’ll help bring prospects closer to their own vision?
In sum, selling facts, tech-specs, and tactics is a lost cause. On the other hand, selling emotions is a straight-shot to a signed deal. Nothing gets prospects more emotional than their own vision!
You should frame your sales approach in a way that targets your prospect’s vision. Portray your product or service as more than a measly deliverable. Instead, portray it as the plug to their success.
Hyping-Up Urgency
Prospects are unlikely to buy unless there’s something valuable at stake. More specifically, if a prospect believes that not buying your product or service could lead to something negative happening, then they’re much more likely to make an immediate purchasing decision!
For example… Let’s say that you’re visiting a back surgeon who believes that you need back surgery. Now, if there’s nothing at stake with you not getting the surgery, then why would you go under the knife? If not getting the surgery won’t improve the quality of your life, then why get it? Why would you feel any urgency to get the surgery if nothing is at stake if you don’t get the operation done?
Always hype up your prospect’s sense of urgency before trying to close any deal. If nothing is at stake, then they have no motivation to buy.
4. Closing More Deals In Less Time
Stepping into your power as a business owner is about stepping up to close more sales deals in less time. By doing so, you bring your vision to life, prospects get the help they need, and you find fulfillment during the process.
Now that you understand what you want, what your prospects want, and how to approach the selling process, you’re ready to actually start selling.
Unfortunately, low-tier sales training and other sales resources try to get you to jump through hoops to sell more. However, getting the feeling like you’re jumping through hoops is a clear sign that you’re heading in the wrong direction.
On the other hand, top-tier sales training programs make selling simple, because sales truly is a simple matter of showing prospects that you’re an expert with a no-brainer solution that they need.
Ditch the Sales Funnel
First things first: If you want to make sales simple, then you need to throw your sales funnel in the trash!
Despite the fact that seemingly every B2B business uses a sales funnel to model their buyer’s journey and foster their sales process, that does not mean that they’re an effective sales tool. In fact, sales funnels are the antithesis of sales success.
Because funnel models:
- Crush your expert status;
- Put 100% of the power and control into prospect’s hands; and
- Force you to give away value without any guaranteed return.
Sales funnels are another prime example of, “Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t mean that you should be doing it too!”
Instead of confining you to a sales funnel that only sets you up to fail, sales training courses show you how to set yourself up for success with a basic sales process.
Shorten Your Sales Process
Instead of using a funnel to foster your sales process, simply follow this basic, straightforward selling process.
Unfortunately, when it comes to their process, most sales teams completely shoot themselves in the foot. Instead of keeping things simple, they:
- Make it exceedingly longer than it needs to be;
- Make it exceedingly more complex than it needs to be; and
- Leave countless doors open for prospects to walk right through.
In the end, nobody likes an unnecessarily long sales process! So, just stop making them exceedingly long and start making them simple.
5. Making a Bigger, Better Impact
Thanks to sales training, you’re now closing more deals in less time without having to jump through any hoops... but now what?
Business is not about a final destination. Rather, it’s about manifesting a vision, and there is no such thing as a dead-end vision.
Think of it this way: By putting out the iPhone, Steve Jobs certainly fulfilled his vision of empowering the world with technology, yet he didn’t stop there. Instead, he grew Apple’s vision even bigger by selling more new products to more people.
Once you streamline sales, it’s time to re-focus on the vision. More specifically, it’s time to:
- Grow the vision even larger;
- Reach more people; and
- Make an even greater impact.
Business success is not like checking a box and then moving on. Rather, it’s a continuous process of improvement.
Delegate More to Your B2B Sales Team
While you’re focusing on sales in order to scale the vision, start delegating other responsibilities to your sales team. For example, instead of doing lead generation yourself, train your account managers to make effective sales calls.
While others are taking care of the day-to-day of business and sales, your job is to lead. And, leaders lead by focusing 100% on sales development, because sales development leads to vision development.
You didn’t start a business to get caught up in the weeds, did you? Of course not!
If you’re like successful entrepreneurs, you started a business to lead by making an impact, and making an impact is a simple matter of sales success.
Stop getting caught in the weeds so that you can finally be the leader you’re supposed to be! Start delegating now!
Final Thoughts on Why CEOs Need B2B Sales Training Programs
Again, you can read all the sales books, take all the webinars from supposed “sales trainers”, and even go to all the seminars, but a foolproof online sales training is the definitive key to sales and overall business success.
With sales success, you have the power to manifest your vision. And manifesting that vision is what it really means to achieve business success. At the same time, you find fulfillment throughout the process.
Sales is not just a piece of the success puzzle; it’s the whole dang puzzle!
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